About us
Who we are
Parkwest Property Appraisals is located in Manasquan New Jersey. In the complex landscape of real estate transactions, having a deeply experienced property appraisal company is crucial for making informed decisions. We take pride in offering a range of specialized services, ensuring accuracy and precision in property valuations. Whether you are navigating through a divorce, dealing with gift tax considerations, or planning a property sale, We are here to provide expert guidance. We have over 30 years of experience in the New Jersey Real Estate Market and have worked with clients in every corner of the state. We understand valuation, trends and other factors that influence property taxes. NJTaxAppeal is a service of Parkwest Property Appraisals.
This experience and market knowledge positions us to be able to quickly assess and understand your needs and situation

CEO and Founder
Matt is a 1982 graduate of Seton Hall University and founded Parkwest Property Appraisal in 1989.